Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Better than Nothing

I often view quiet time as a task. Not necessarily an onerous task, but one that should be taken seriously especially since I do not like half-hearted efforts. The flip side is that because I also often deem myself to not be in the most conducive environment, frame of mind, etc, to do a decent quiet time, I rather not do it at all or procrastinate to another time.

Lately I had an epiphany at the gym. Due to time constrain, I would only have 20 minutes there if I went. Would it be a good workout? Probably not a proper full hour workout with an ideal amount of time for cardio and weight-training. However, since I've challenged myself to be in the best shape possible, I figured that 20 minutes of expanding access energy (think about the plate of rice at lunch this afternoon, and that sugary drink at tea break), is better than nothing.

So, since I can adopt this diligent mindset at the gym, why shouldn't I be able to flex my spiritual muscles for kingdom good.

So taking baby steps, I'm going to restart this engine and embark on Bible Gateway's Chronological Bible Reading Plan in 61 Days. (Even this programme sounds like a fitness regime)

Would you like to read through the key stories of the Bible in chronological order, tracing the development of God's plan from Adam and Eve to the church of the New Testament? This reading plan introduces you to the major people and events of the Bible in chronological order, beginning with Creation, moving through the birth and history of the Israel nation, and ending with Revelation's prophetic words. It's all broken down into 61 easily-readable segments. 


Day 1 - 3 July 2013
Creation and Fall
Genesis 1 to 3

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