Wednesday, October 17, 2007


people who are close to me can attest that i'm quite the go/goal-getter. once i set my mind on something, chances are i can achieve it with some determination and encouragement

i put that kind of single-mindedness on my assignments and when i'm focused, nothing else gets in the way. perhaps same too with the boyfriend, although we've been physically apart for about 2 years now, the distance doesn't seem all that far because we take time out to chat on the webcam for easily two plus hours at night for several nights a week.

but for the past few months after having left my ministry together with a more intense period of accountability, i've found myself slacking in that department with the excuse of, oh-i-need-to-take-a-break.

over time, this spiritual blog has experienced a hiatus, perhaps its also an indication of my spiritual life.

there are various roles we have to play in life and with each role come its own set of responsibilities and measure of success.

i'm currently a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a student, a child of God, and soon a teacher.

if there are key performance indicators for each of the job holder, my assessment will rank quite highly and maybe equally highly as a student, sister and girlfriend because i know that i've put in effort in these areas and have reaped the benefits in terms of grades and the development of mature, healthy relationships respectively.

my responsibility as a daughter isn't very prominent at the moment because my parents are still able to support themselves and are fully engaged in their own agendas, plus there is the older sister to provide support when its needed and the niece to be "babied" by them.

my role has a child/follower of God however has been stagnant, if not languishing in comparison probably because ironically, things have been going great for me.

i've slacked off in quiet time and sometimes even church going.

i attended church this sunday because i ran out of excuses not to and also because i had a friend who was attending with me and i'm glad i did. the sermon was simple in a oh-i've-heard-all-that-before way. but there were some fundamentals that struck home.

1) "The acronym for BIBLE is: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."

2) "Doing God' work can be inconvenient at times, but I tell you what is also inconvenient: being nailed to the cross is inconvenient."

therefore with this renewed reminder, i'm going to include with my targets the discipline to set aside time for God and go-get the benefits of enjoying such a privilege.

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