Tuesday, May 08, 2007

did you know?

The Church does not reject particularities connected with human nature or with time and place... but santifies their content, filling it with new meaning. In their turn, these particularities do not interfere with the unity of the Church, but bring into it new forms of expression, peculiar to them. In this way, it realises that unity in mutiplicity and richness in unity, which both in totality and in details expresses the catholic principle of the Church.

Ouspensky and Lossky 1983: Leonid Ouspensky, ‘The Meaning and Language of Icons’ in The Meaning of Icons, USA: St. Valdimir’s Seminary Press, 1983, pp. 28.

did you know that the Catholic Church originated with an ecumenical orientation, since "Catholic" does mean "Universal"? The present Catholic Church seems to have an obsession with claiming its legitimacy from the first instance of Christianity with Peter installed as the first Pope. however, did you also know that the first churches were established with the political bearing of Constantine the Great and this successors at the ecumenical councils? and there after, every council was referred to as ecumenical?

interesting findings from my research on iconoclasm.

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