Monday, October 02, 2006

the flipside of providence

i think one of the main things that sets the christian apart from the world is the "illogical" trust that God will provide. while the world instills the mantra in us that "there is no such thing as a free meal", the bible assures us not to worry about clothes, "See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin."

when reading John Piper's article in (Use the Means but don't Trust in Means, Trust in God), i realised that the obstacle for receiving providence from God lies in our own hestitation to claim the promises of God. we still think that there is no such thing as a free meal, and feel more secure in labor and toil.

in his article, i am challenged to make use of my talents and abilities as God bestows, but not rely on them as the sole source of my success or failure.

John Pipers puts its, "It is quite true that, in general, the Lord provides the necessaries of life by means of our ordinary calling; but that that is not THE REASON why we should work, is plain enough from the consideration, that if our possessing the necessaries of life depended upon our ability of working, we could never have freedom from anxiety, for we should always have to say to ourselves, and what shall I do when I am too old to work? or when by reason of sickness I am unable to earn my bread? But if on the other hand, we are engaged in our earthly calling, because it is the will of the Lord concerning us that we should work, and that thus laboring we may provide for our families and also be able to support the weak, the sick, the aged, and the needy, then we have good and scriptural reason to say to ourselves: should it please the Lord to lay me on a bed of sickness, or keep me otherwise by reason of infirmity or old age, or want of employment, from earning my bread by means of the labor of my hands, or my business, or my profession, He will yet provide for me."
i am one who constantly obsess over my grades as sole indicators of my success or failure. in recent times however, i've come to realise that my grades do not define me. my intellect and academic aptitude are God's gifts to be used for ministry and edification, therefore i should receive them as a blessing as not as tools - or perhaps a life buoy - in my imagined make or break senarios. to apply the crux of John Piper's point; should i please the Lord for me to not excel in my studies against my best efforts, he will still provide for my career direction and future prospects.

as an after thought, perhaps every now and then God allows us to experience failure against our best efforts to make us realise not to trust in our tools or means, but to ultimately trust in God.

1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

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