Friday, May 25, 2007

Appearances matter

The identification of Christianity with whiteness if perhaps most clearly illustrated in the tradition of Western pictorial representation of Christ himself. As Dyer writes: "The gentilizing and whitening of Christ was achieved by the end of the Renaissance and by the nineteenth century the image of as not just fair-skinned and blond and blue-eyed was fully in place."

Plasa, Cark. Textual Politics from Slavery to Postcolonialism, Great Britain: Macmillian Press Ltd, 200, p. 25

Appearances matter, nothing is ever neutral. Having somewhat a postcolonialist streak in me, I am inclined to take the side that the projection of colour and images are heavily loaded signifiers that are complicit with Imperialism and misguided Enlightenment principles.

Another reason why I am not comfortable with religious imagery.

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