in light of my existing convictions, i'm pondering upon the appropriateness of having the service/mass packaged and delivered in the comfort of your own home or having the sermon/homily downloaded at your own time.
i understand the benefits of having the Word made more accessible for everyone, especially non-church-going people. it can be a good form of outreach. my concerns should be framed in the context of regular church goers who might resort to harnessing such technology as a substitute for making their way to church. i am also uncomfortable with how the tv guide has touted tv mass as being 'comfortable'. contrary to real service/mass perhaps?
Wow... This mass at home thing just takes away the whole significance of a mass. Mass, to me, is meant to be a celebration where believers come together as a community to worship their Lord as one.
To have it neatly packaged in the comfort of one's home really misses the point. It appears to exacerbate the whole self-centered notion of my needs and my comfort rather than focusing on being of service to God.
In that case, wouldn't we become our own gods where God is our servant, rather than the other way round?
yeh i agree with you jean. hopefully, these mediums can still function as an outreach tool and at the same time avoid being miscontrued by believers as the comfortable option. i think most churches have already done a lot to make themselves acessible to people.
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