Thursday, January 05, 2006

writing on the wall

not for nothing did the Nazi light up the night skies in their cities with the burning of books. not for nothing were free white folk in America prohibited from teaching slaves to read, and slaves in South Carolina threatened with the loss of the first joint of their forefingers if they were caught looking at a book; books became the greatest purveyors of truth, and the truth shall set you free.

anna quindlen
how reading changed my life

there is an invigorating, life-giving element in writing and words. It sharpens the mind, refines the intellect, educates the soul, convinces, convicts, condemns and moves humanity.

i believe that words - as mankind knows it - hold a supernatural quality that enables its empowerment. this transformative, liberating and immortal quality of words was breathed by God himself.

verbatim, the ten commandments were engraved. in writing the destruction of babylon was pronounced. with words, light came into the world and finally, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

from this perspective, the Bible - God's Word - would have for me a new reverent awe.

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